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Image by Scott Graham

Operational Excellence Services

Image by Jason Goodman

Accurate data, precise control, more sales and/or sales of higher value products = more sales

Sales Operations Excellence

Sales development

Customer groups, personas, sales approaches, sales processes, sales training, sales partner acquisition 

Form: Consulting, project management, interim management

Channel management

Contract management, remuneration models and commission management, planning, controlling, KPI reporting, process development, development of sales partners and employees

Form: Consulting, project management, interim management

CRM implementation

Concept creation, coordination between marketing and sales, use case creation, development of sales pipeline based on sales strategy (see Sales development)

Form: Consulting, project management

Image by LinkedIn Sales Solutions

Faster, error-free closings = more time for analysis and informed decisions at a lower operational cost

Finance operations excellence

Planning processes

Standardisation of planning processes, at the same time simplification. 

Selection of software tools, development of guidelines

Form: Consulting, facilitation

KPI system

Development of KPI systems, interdisciplinary with finance, controlling, HR, sales, marketing and product development 

Form: Consulting, facilitation

Business intelligence and reporting

Selection of suitable procedures, ETL processes, BI systems. Implementation and further development of appropriate tools and systems

Form: Consulting, facilitation

Examples of operational excellence projects

  • Achievement of considerable, permanent economies of scale by 40% p.a. in the sales partner support by merging 4 to 2 locations with complete permanent assurance of service performance

  • Sales increase of 11.80% p.a. CAGR in three years (compared to the 3 previous years with a CAGR of 1.15%) with the same expense ratio, among other things through the introduction of SalesForce and DSGVO-compliant data trigger-based sales campaigns

  • Increase in the EBITDA-effective net contribution by 20% or in a 2-digit million € amount, respectively, within one year with improved utilization of the labor productivity of the sales partners among other measures by

    • the development of a time-to-market product marketing process

    • the creation of customer needs-oriented sales conversation recommendations

    • conducted sales seminars, consequent KPI monitoring and subsequent coaching of sales partners in the field

  • Saving of all commission and personnel costs in a single-digit million € per year by outsourcing all collection activities to a debt collection company. Free of charge - with the same industry-standard debt collection success rate

  • Saving of the total annual costs in the finance department of a group with more than 1,200 subsidiaries in a 3-digit million euro amount, at the same time significant reduction of the individual and consolidated financial statement times from 3 months to 10 days by the implementation of group wide standards in the finance division

  • Up to nine times higher group closing speeds as well as a significant reduction in error rates for individual financial statements in multi-GAAP environments by introducing parallel posting processing and developing and implementing straight-through processing as a cross-industry standard as a cross-industry standard

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